

1. 急求。。几个与银行汇款有关的单词的中文翻译

A/C NAME:*******

Sydney NSW 2000
新南威尔士州悉尼市 (邮编)2000

转换码(一般英文表达是SWIFT CODE):********
-- 全世界每一个银行都有一个自己固定的swift code,是唯一的,一般用于各银行间的业务往来,由于银行间的一些相关业务往来是有机密性质,因此通过swift code来传递一些信息,有秘密代码的性质。每一个银行都有自己的swift code,同一家银行各地分行的的code的前几位一般是相同的。

BSB NO.:*******
电汇清算网络编码: ********
-- Bank State Branch Number电汇清算网络编码

A/C NO.:********


2. 汇款的翻译。。

2. We will ship the goods within three days of receiving your payment.

3. You can drive the car away as soon as you pay. 

4. You're missing ten thousand Yuan more for the cost of the car

5. I want to split the cost of the car over three years. 

6. Can you wire money over? / wire 500Yuan over?

7. We take both cash and cards. 

8. I'm putting on my shoe / what do you plan to wear today?

9. She's putting on her clothes / she's putting on her jeans

10. Pour half of the water out of the cup / pour one-third the water out of the cup

11. I'm almost recovered from my illness / my illness worsened. 

1. We will give you the receipt after receiving your payment.

3. 英语翻译,有关银行汇款的,30分,机翻勿扰!

Bank remittance refers to  the the pr.ocess where cash is deposited in the designated account. The depositor may be flat,and  also  a person. In the online business process, bank transfer is a common method of payment. It will cost money to make a bank remittance and  different bank has  different standard fees.Chinese banks have different remittance. There are  some skills and something  to pay attention to when making a bank transfer.For example,some banks start  remittances account, if the account is wrong, money will be sent to other account, which  is worth noticing.


4. 「转帐、提款、汇款」英文怎么说?「银行」常用英文字汇大集合!

  「转帐、提款、汇款」英文 怎么说?如果你要去国外工作或是念书的时候,一定要做的其中一件事情就是去银行开户,可是要怎么跟银行柜员说自己要开户呢?之后如果要提款、汇款、转帐的时候,又要怎么说呢?
  别担心!英文老师 Alex 在 Engvid 上介绍了人们去银行的时候常用到的英文用句,下次如果需要去国外开户时,就可以派上用场了!
  01. Get in line / the queue. 去排队  02. See a bank teller. 找柜员   I’d like to … 我想要… 
   a. open / close an account 开户 / 闭户 
  savings account 储蓄户头
  checking account 支票帐户
   b. deposit / make a deposit 存款 / (进行)存款(的动作) 
   c. withdraw / take out money 提款 
   d. make a withdrawal 提款 
   e. pay a bill 缴交帐单 
   f. exchange currency 兑换外币 
  “What’s your rate?” 「请问汇率是多少?」
  “95 cents per dollar.” 「0.95:1」
   g. get a credit card 申请信用卡 
   h. talk to someone about… 询问…相关人员 
  a mortgage 贷款
  investments 投资
  retirement savings 退休储蓄
   i. 补充: 
  例:I want to transfer ten thousand dollars to my mom. 我想转一万块给我妈。
  03. Put in your PIN. 输入你的 PIN 密码。  credit card, deposit, deposit 中文, exchange currency, transfer 中文, withdraw, withdraw 中文, 兑换外币 英文, 汇款 英文, 单字, 存款 英文, 投资 英文, 提款, 提款 英文, 用句, 缴交帐单 英文, 英文, 贷款 英文, 转帐, 转帐 英文, 退休储蓄 英文, 银行, 领钱 英文 